
How to get a bigger upper body without getting a fatter waist…

Tags: Fitness Fat Loss Kettlebells Workouts Weight Loss

Added: last month

One of the problems I’ve seen over the last 30+ years is that it’s incredibly hard -

If not downright impossible for many guys to put on muscle without putting on fat at the same time.

In fact, you might be familiar with the ol’ “Bulk-Cut” cycle that bodybuilders and powerlifters use.

Eat a lot and lift as hard as you can for 12 weeks.

Hopefully, you’ll be 10-25 pounds / 5-11 kilos heavier.

Your upper body is bigger - broader shoulders, thicker arms, wider back, bigger chest.


So’s your waist.

In some cases, much bigger.

Sure, your pants may be the same size, but you now wear your belt “lower” and you can feel things “squish” over your waist band when you sit down or bend forward or both.

Then, on the appropriate date, you cut your calories and slowly peel off the extra fat you gained while preserving that hard-won muscle.

If you’ve ever done this the “Old School” way, you know most guys train their butts off for 6 months only to end up with a whopping extra 2-3 pounds of muscle… If that.

The “secret” to maintaining your upper body “gainz” while stripping off that “waste” on your waist?

It’s 3-fold:

1- Ramp up your muscle-building hormones - Testosterone and Growth Hormone (naturally, of course) through your food, your training, and your recovery

2- Focus on increasing your MAXIMUM strength

3- Focus on increasing your ANAEROBIC conditioning

Now I know some of those things run counter to much of “conventional wisdom” these days.

Especially with:

1- The number of ads promoting TRT - Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

(Which is just a fancy medical terminology for “using steroids”... If you’ve had testicular cancer or other forms of cancer and need to use TRT, you obviously get a pass here…)

2- Older guys talking about “lifting lighter” to “save their” joints.

(How about just learning how to lift correctly in the first place and having a smart restoration program in place? I'm 51 and can still barbell Snatch more than my body weight...)

3- The near incessant obsession w/ increasing the amount of Zone 2 cardio “you need to do” in order to increase your VO2Max, improve the health of your mitochondria, and live a longer, high quality life.

(Nevermind the fact that large doses of aerobic exercise chew up your muscle, which you need to keep as you age… And the fact that “intelligent” anaerobic exercise can improve the health and number of mitochondria you have…)

Christoph did just that - put on 2.5 pounds / 1 kilo of muscle and made his pants “noticeably wider in the waist” without changing his diet - in just 16 weeks - or 4 months.

Doesn’t sound like much, until you consider that’s right around what most guys achieve using the ol’ “Bulk-Cut” cycle…

But Christophe did it without the “pain” of hardcore dieting or long, slow, boring cardio.

The “KB Burn” program he used was Kettlebell Burn 2.0.

Stay Strong,


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